Hunter Blog

November 24, 2021

Success at PCIAW Awards 2021 for Team Hunter

Hunter was thrilled to have attended the prestigious Professional Clothing Industry Association Worldwide (PCIAW) summit and award ceremony in November 2021. This event brings together the global leaders from the professional clothing industry to discuss the trends and hot topics in the industry and to celebrate the year’s success.

This year Hunter was nominated for two awards, Best Managed Major Contract and Services to the Pandemic. Hunter was particularly, proud of the work we did for the UK Government during the pandemic as this contract saw Hunter deliver over 55 million units of PPE to more than 70 UK public sector organisations including the NHS, and UK Fire Services, Police Services and Local Authorities. Team Hunter is delighted to have received Highly Commended in both categories, a massive honour with entrants from across the world competing for the award.

Hunter Team at PCIAW Awards 2021

Key Worker Award

Hunter also nominated Tina Butler M.B.E., Head of Procurement for Kent Fire & Rescue Service, the lead from the National Fire Commercial Transformation Programme (NFCTP) with whom Hunter worked alongside during the pandemic. Tina was nominated into the Key Worker Award category.

Tina led the NFCTP team whom during the initial stages of Covid 19 sourced critical PPE and disposable supplies such as Type 5/6 suits, gloves, face masks (Type IIR, FFP2 and FFP3), goggles, overshoe covers and hand sanitisers. This entire ensemble enabled front line workers to handle all aspects of working during the peak of the pandemic. The project was so successful that it was expanded beyond the fire services for use by the NHS, Police, MOD, Funeral Directors, Councils, Care Homes, and other vital parts of UK front line infrastructure to join.

Tina was recognised by the PCIAW as the overall global winner of the category.

Best Application of Innovation Technology

Another remarkable success of the evening was the award of Best Application of Innovation Technology that was presented to Sizer Technologies. Sizer Technologies have developed an AI-powered body-measuring technology that has revolutionised the way garments are being fitted across the professional clothing industry and consumer markets alike. Hunter and Sizer Technologies have a long-standing partnership that has seen AI sizing being introduced to the UK and Irish marketplaces since 2019, now with thousands of Hunter’s customers’ wearers successfully sized from a mobile device using the SIZER technology. This recognition by the PCIAW is testimony to the leadership position SIZER holds in the global market due to its level of accuracy and ease of use, setting the global benchmark.

Simon Hunter Esq, M.B.E. said,

“What an amazing evening! Team Hunter was delighted to be sitting at a table that won 4 global awards. Congratulations to Yvette and her team for hosting what was a fun, lively, and extremely well-run event, which showed the best that our sector has to offer globally. Delighted for Tina and Mary from Kent FRS and Adam and his team from SIZER on their immense success on the night.”

Contact us HERE to learn more about Hunter, our work or Sizer Technologies