Hunter Blog

March 10, 2015

Silver Sponsor of LGA Fire Conference 2015

Hunter Apparel Solutions Limited attended the 2015 annual LGA Fire Conference and supported the event as Silver Sponsor. The 2 day event, which took place on 10th – 11th March was held at the Newcastle Hilton Hotel and was attended by the UK Chief Fire Officers, staff and local councillors. Hunters were able to meet with the various attendees and gauge a better insight into the challenges Fire & Rescue Services are facing in this age of austerity as well as explaining the unique benefits of Hunter Apparel’s web based ‘HunterPAC® & HunterCARE®’ systems and our premier product range. Chirag Chudasama BA(Hons) – Head of Sales and Warren Young BSc(Hons) – Chief Technical Officer attended the event on behalf of Hunters.