Hunter Blog

March 19, 2018

Hunter Social Media Strategy

Hunter set a strategic objective to launch a social media strategy in 2018 to enable us to deepen our communication with our customers and other entrusted stake holders.

We are pleased to announce that the company will be launching our LinkedIn and Twitter profiles in Q2 2018.

LinkedIn and Twitter both have an audience in excess of 20 million in the UK alone, the reach of these platforms makes it clear that social media is ubiquitous. 

We hope to use our social media platforms to benefit the business in a variety of ways including lead generation, increased exposure, highlighting our accomplishments and creating quality business connections.

We will be sharing a variety of useful content to keep our customers on top of the latest Hunter and industry news, product launches, upcoming events, competitions, and more!

We would encourage you to make this a two way conversation by following us on our LinkedIn and Twitter profiles. We look forward to deepening our communication with you via our social media presence throughout 2018 and beyond.

Thank you for your continued support.