Hunter Blog
CEO reflects on 2020.
In the year of a global pandemic that has transformed the way we do business, made us adapt more quickly than ever and changed people’s lives in an extraordinary manner the CEO of Hunter reflects on what has been the most remarkable of years and certainly an unforgettable one for the team at Hunter.
“The final few days of the final week of 2020 – what a year! I can honestly say the team at Hunter have never worked harder or performed better. I have never felt more honoured to lead this company. Our 2020 highlights include:
- 50 million items of PPE delivered to the front line,
- no staff got sick at work,
- £ 1 million invested in our future,
- 38% staff growth,
- Every contract that could be extended, was extended
- We have been lavished with fantastic client references throughout the year
- More new R&D than any other year, resulted in more new products than in any other year
- Plimsoll have listed us higher than every competitor on their “Best Company” list
- We will finish the year in the strongest position of any year despite the adversity of Corona Virus
As they say – what is not to like…. Onward and upward Team Hunter!!!
I would like to wish every member of the team a very happy and healthy Christmas and hope they enjoy the well earned rest over the holiday period.”
Simon Hunter, Esq M.B.E, CEO.